Fluid Station1.1
 Communications Module
Fluid Systems in Health Fields

Understanding Blood Pressure


veins and arteries

percentage iconActivity graded by the % of correctness of your work
rubric icon Activity graded by the rubric
Choice of 5 icon Activities from which you can choose five to submit

REMEMBER: To get credit for the Communications Lab, your coach needs to check the activities marked with the % and Rubric icons.  You need to have a score of at least 80% on both activities. You, also, need to show proof that you did at least five of the activities marked with the ‘5’ icon.

Reflect On What You Know

Word Parts

If you have not completed this section in other stations, CLICK HERE to complete it.

percentage iconClick on the link below to read a story about teens and medical studies. At the end of the story, there are questions to answer.  You may copy the questions or answer them on another sheet of paper.  Your coach will grade your answers when you are finished.  If you got less than 80%, you will need to reread the story and answer the questions again.
Choice of 5 iconClick on the link below.  Then, click on Heart and Circulatory System. Read (and listen to if you’d like) the article. When you have finished reading it, click back to the first page and take the quiz about the Heart and Circulatory System.  Take the quiz until you get at least 80%.   Click here to take the quiz.

Choice of 5 icon Click on the link below to watch a video on blood pressure.  Write a summary of the video or draw a picture summary of the main points.
Or, make a poster that shows at least five ways to manage high blood pressure.
If you do both of these activities, you can count that as two choices.
Choice of 5 iconClick on the link below.  You will read an article on heart disease. After reading the article, write a three to four paragraph story about someone who has experienced some type of heart disease and how it affected them and their lifestyle. Or, if you prefer, write a summary of the article you just read.


 Choice of 5 iconCopy the Heart Internet Scavenger Hunt and start hunting. When you have finished, share your results with your coach. Click HERE for the Heart Internet Scavenger Hunt.

Choice of 5 iconThe Barrel Cactus
barrel cactus

Barrel cactus is the most common plant found in the deserts across the world. Its height can be anything between 1 meter to 10 meters. The buds of this plant grow generally during April. The flowers can be orange, red, yellow or pink in color.

barrel cactired barrel cactus
"Late Bloomer" by Jessie Eastland - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Late_Bloomer.jpg#/media/File:Late_Bloomer.jpg

The ribs of the Barrel cactus are numerous. The spines are long and can range in color from yellow to tan to red, depending on the age of the plant and the species. Flowers appear at the top of the plant only after many years.

Be very careful around the spines of the barrel cactus. A puncture to human skin from one of the spines is considered a 'dirty wound'. If the puncture is deep enough to draw blood, antibiotics may be needed. It could take up to several months for the wound to heal properly. Barrel cactus plants are one of the more dangerous cacti to humans in the desert.

Answer the following questions.

  1. What is the main idea of the passage? What is this passage about?
  2. Restate this sentence in different words: "The ribs of the Barrel cactus are numerous."
  3. What are the main points covered in the passage? How is the Barrel cactus like the human body? Do you think that cacti have a circulatory system? Explain.
  4. Why should you be careful around a barrel cactus? Should you be careful around certain people?
  5. How much is one meter in our US measuring system?
  6. What questions do you have about the passage? What would you like to know more about?

rubric iconYou’ve been studying about blood pressure and the heart.  Many people say that it is important that people who work in the health field have ‘heart’. What does that mean to you? Explain why you agree or disagree with that statement. Use examples and stories to prove your point.  Write at least three paragraphs. In the first paragraph, tell what ‘heart’ is and how you can tell if someone has it. In at least one paragraph, tell stories or examples of why ‘heart’ is important. In the last paragraph, write a conclusion.
CLICK HERE to open the rubric for this assignment.

If you completed all communication activities with 80% or more accuracy, you are ready to go the math module! Congratulations!



Links to Station 1.1 Modules

Lab Intro | Lab Presentation and Practice | Communications Intro| Communications Presentation and Practice| Math

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