Mechanical Station MATH 2.2: Mechanical Systems in Health

Measuring and Converting in the English and Metric Systems
inch worm

  1. Module Goal:  To measure distances in different systems
  2. Materials Required: Computer with fast Internet connectivity and handouts linked below.
  3. Applied Objectives: In completing this unit, you will -
    • Define the two major systems of measurement (metric and English)
    • Define units of length within each measurement system.
    • Convert length measurements within the metric system and within the English system.
    • Convert length measurements between the metric and English systems.
  4. Pre-requisite knowledge: 6th-grade reading level and arithmetic skills.
  5. Applied Terminology: All terminology for this module is covered in the PowerPoint presentation linked below.
  6. Evaluation: Projects submitted in this module will be evaluated by rubrics, quizzes, or completion. A rubric is a table that shows you what you are being graded on. A rubric states exactly what is expected of you at different levels.

Reflect on What You Know

  1. What do you think of when you hear the word "meter?" Are we talking about the machine where we drop coins to park on streets? :)
  2. Throughout your life, you have measured things, probably in our U.S. English system. What units have you used to measure yourself, or to measure different dimensions in your every day life? List those units.
  3. How do you think we can convert measurements from our English system into the metric system, which is used in most other parts of the world? What would you have to know?

Introduction to Measurements

When we measure lengths in our English system, which some call the household system, we have units to measure very short distances, like the length of your nail, or the width of an irrigation pipe or a tire valve. We also have units to measure very long distances, like those covered in traveling on roads, air, and water. In this module, you will practice measuring long and short distances using two measuring systems: the English System and the Metric System. Click on the link below to open the PowerPoint presentation for this module, and enjoy!

BEFORE YOU START – Print the following worksheets. You will fill out the Lesson Answer Sheet as you go through the presentation and are asked to complete practice problems. The next three worksheets are to be completed for the “Review and Practice” at the end of the PowerPoint:

Now open the Mechanical Station Math 2.2 PowerPoint presentation, Length Measurements, from the link below. Examine and reflect on the information on each slide and complete the activities. At the end, complete and turn in your handouts to your coach.

Introduction to Length Measurements Point Presentation

After you have completed the PowerPoint, Lesson Answer Sheet, and all four worksheets, print out and complete the quiz:

You can view this lesson’s grading rubric by clicking on the link below:


You have completed this station! Congratulations. You are ready for the next one! If you haven't completed both mechanical stations, consider doing that before going into the next system.


Links to Station 2.2 Modules
Lab Intro | Lab Presentation and Practice | Communications Intro| Communications Presentation and Practice| Math

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